"So often I was getting sent in for “The Drug Dealer,” "The Drug Addict," "The Drug Addict Who’s on Death Row," and I don’t read that. I just don’t. I’m an actor—yes, I can do it, yes I can embody energies, that’s what I'm paid to do. That’s what I can do, but I would go to these rooms and there’d people who could more readily bring this energy into the room. And I was not understanding why I was in those rooms. I never got asked to do more because as much as I was trying to give it they were probably able to find people who more readily gave that energy."
After a chance meeting outside of Broadway Dance Center, we chat with James Roberts IV about finding his way back to performance after majoring in marketing, creating his own content, and reenergizing yourself as an artist.
Recommendation: Janelle Monae's Dirty Computer album
Shout out: Billy Porter and Danyelle Fulton